Exhibition, Concert/Performance and Discourse 2. – 11. July 2021 with works by Ryoko Akama, Annette Krebs, Theresa Schubert, Erin Sexton and Peter Strickmann I am really happy to contribute three small performances to the ambitious event- and discourse-series Ready Making in Berlin. I will perform twice on friday, July 9th (18:30 and 20:00) at Errant Sound in Rungestr 20, Berlin Mitte. Presenting three "Dozing Pieces" that I compiled for ...
Print Gedichte Rezepte Empfehlungen4-page leporello print b/w photocopy on 170gr paperEdition of 100 I am happy to announce, that some of my graphic poems and word events are now available in a small photocopy print edition. "Gedichte Rezepte Empfehlungen" comes as a 4 page leporello on 170gr paper in an edition of 100.Just let me know if you are interested via mail. Price: donation + shipping via paypal (€0,80 germany / €1,10 ...
Solo exhibition 3.6 - 26.7. 2021Thursday: 18:00-22:00Saturday/Sunday: 14:00 - 18.00 Happy to announce that I will present a solo exhibition in Braunschweig, showing my feedback installation "Rücksprachen" on a larger scale, together with drawings and graphic poems from the two drawing series "X" and "Gedichte Rezepte Empfehlungen". Some of them I have never shown before. You can aswell get your copy of my recent "Gedichte Rezepte Empfehlungen" print ...
Exhibition / art award 21.5. - 27.6. 2021Monday - sunday 10:00 - 20:00 Finally the nominee exhibition of Neuköllner Kunstpreis 2021 opened its doors. You can come and visit it everyday from 10am to 8pm. Please call ahead at 030 90239 3772 to arrange your visit as well as bring along proof of an up-to-date negative antigene or PCR test. The “NEUKÖLLNER KUNSTPREIS 2021” [Neukölln Art Award] – introduces new works from Berlin's Neukölln ...
Ausstellungsreihe "Tracing the Intangible" ----------floating glass, restless minds & liquid lightsMiriam Hamann (Wien), Evgenija Wassilew (Berlin)1. - 8. April 2021Mäandernde Linien, gesummter Schall und schmelzendes Glas; am schmalen Grat zwischen Innen und Außen, Reflexion und Resonanz treten die zeichnerischen, licht- und klangbasierten Werke von Miriam Hamann & Evgenija Wassilew in Korrespondenz zueinander. Mittels Knochenschall, ...
c-10 cassetteeconore2021 This is a special tape-publication for me, as the subject has been with me for a very long time. My interest in speech dynamics and voice is reflected in many of my audios and installations, even if the subject only sometimes comes to the fore very clearly or voice itself is not even used. But it is often just there. Somehow very often, as I found out again when I was going through my hard drives. That is why I have compiled a ...
Pre-recorded performance 5. - 9. April 2021 This year's edition of Oxford's audiograft festival of experimental music and sound art will take place online. Nevertheless will the program be super as always. Including online commissions, essays, collaborations and pre-recorded performances, all of wich are free to access. I am happy to present a 12 minutes one-take performance-video on wednesday April 7th. click and discover all the amazing ...
Composition 07.02.-27.02.2021 Meakusma & Georg Dietzler present the SONIC CHAIR at Eupen's IKOB Museum: IKOB Museum für Zeitgenössische KunstRotenberg 124700 Eupen, Belgiumwww.ikob.bewww.meakusma.orgwww.sonicchair.de After having been presented in Cologne, Münster and Dortmund, the SONIC CHAIR and its sound pieces start traveling again – first to the IKOB museum in Eupen, Belgium. I am happy to have my Schnarcharchiv piece "Mauernap" ...
Cassette Out nowon Dazy & Holy A new extranice double-cassette came to life early december including 26 tracks of exploratory music by 26 artists. Dear and passionate Maximilian Glass carefully curated this excellent publication, which is now available via his own DAZY&HOLY imprint. Check the dazy & holy bandcamp to get a physical copy or a digital download or an airy stream. Enjoy the diverse sounds and vibes: ...
Talk 4. December 202016:00 - 18:00 I was cordially invited to be the guest at the upcoming slowrise radio show of Sophia Domagala and Lotta Bartoschewski. The two berlin-based artists run this radioshow on web-radiostation Keith F'em (not to be mixed up with bullshit Ken FM) and invite a third person to get lost while talking every first or second friday of the month. The show runs two hours from 4pm to 6pm CET on december 4th. Click keithfem.com to ...
Performance / Soundwalk 17 + 18 October LABYRINTH LISTENING WALK by Peter Strickmann + Evgenija Wassilew at Eckladen – Noch Besser Leben (meeting point)Merseburger Str. 25, 04229 Leipzig14:00 - 15:30Registration via jonas@seanaps.netwww.peterstrickmann.info / www.evgenija-wassilew.comOn a composed route through Lindenau/Plagwitz's various strategies of collective listening and notlistening in public space are put to the test. ...
Performance 1. October 202019:00 Artist Marion Orfila invited Evgenija Wassilew and me to perform our listening piece "être vent" within her large installation. And we, again, invited Marion to perform with us. We're looking forward to this trio performance in this special setting. Come and see this ambitious exhibition. Performance starts around 19:00. >>>> As part of the current exhibition „underneath“ Galerie Nord presents the ...