Performance / Concerts
06. – 07. September 2019
Two gigs with Pony und Reter up north in Hamburg and Bremen. In Bremen we are celebrating the 12-years existence of the extraordinary bookshop Golden Shop and the 2-years anniversary of its house-imprint Golden Press with a book launch and concerts. In Hamburg we’ll be guests at Die Schute on a floating stage on floating water bringing some stuck noise.
Ronnie Oliveras – electronics, clarinet, objects, voice
Peter Strickmann – winds, objects, feedback, voice
Freitag, 06.09. 2019
@ Die Friese
w/ Dire Wolves, DJ Rimini, Jens genehr (book launch)
Friesenstr 124, 28203 Bremen
Samstag, 07.09. 2019
@ Die Schute
Industriestraße 125-131, 21107 Hamburg
Listen here: