Planetary Listening Cassette

Cassette Release

Last month, in July, the excellent Swamps & Stars / Planetary Listening compilation was released on cassette. I uploaded my contribution „weights“ to my bandcamp: clikk here

Realised through 2023, Swamps & Stars events brought together artists and researchers from Berlin and beyond to explore the vibrations between swampy spaces and the cosmos. Through sound, performance, and participatory happenings we listened and learned together modes of Planetary Listening.

Peters Strickmanns‘ „weights“ was originally presented as a performance as part of the 2023 Listening Biennial (at Errant Sound, Berlin) in which acoustic feedback and unavoidable performative gesture were manipulated and troubled by the weight, the materiality and some invisible parts of selected stones.

Cassette Featured Artists:

Daniela Medina Poch
Ally Bisshop yllapohssib
Adriana Knouf
Felicity Mangan
Jason Kahn
Peter Strickmann
Ela Spalding
Carla Boregas
Miya Yoshida
Samuel Hertz
Monaí de Paula Antunes radiogardening
Marcela Moraga
Daniela de Paulis / sound by Izhak David
Siegmar Zacharias
Nicole L’Huillier
Vera Dvale

Design: Fara Peluso
Production: Kat Austen, Kate Donovan
Audio mix and finalisation: Niko de Paula Lefort
Supported by Berlin Senate’s Spartenoffene Förderung

Swamps & Stars is developed and organized by Kat Austen, Miguel, Buenrostro, Kate Donovan, Florence Freitag, Brandon LaBelle and Michelle-Marie Letelier as part of Planetary Listening, a collective of artists and researchers based in Berlin.
The series was supported by the Berlin Senate’s Spartenoffene Förderung in 2023.

There is no complete digital release of this cassette up, so this is why I upload this single track on my Bandcamp. For ordering the cassette – and anyways – please visit: