artspring festival 2024

artspring berlin 2024
Open Studios at the InterKULTURelles Haus Pankow
March 31 to June 2, 2024

The artists at the InterKULTURelles Haus Pankow will open their studios from Mai 31 to June 2 and show sculptures, sound art, installations, paintings, photography, performances, drawings, films and much more.

I am happy to perform as a guest together withg Daniela Fromberg and Stefan Roigk, exploring the acoustics and scenic potentials of a rather long corridor of the studio building.

Sunday, 02. June 2024 I 16:00h

InterKULTURelles Haus Pankow
Schönfließer Strasse 7A
Hinterhaus, 3. Etage
10439 Berlin

participating artists Open Studios: Carla Åhlander, Werner Ahring, Matti Blind, Marco Born, Jessica Centner, Daniela Ehemann, Daniela Fromberg, Martina Goldbeck, Chajim Grosser + Keramik-Werkstatt Yad Chanah, Jenny Claire Heck, Sylvia Henrich, Veronike Hinsberg, Anne Jungjohann, Judith Karcheter, Friederike Klotz, Ingeborg Lockemann, Elke Mohr, Ulrike Mohr, Matthias Moravek, Timea Oravecz, Ilze Orinska, Thomas & Renée Rapedius, Immanuel Rohringer, Stefan Roigk, Oliver Schmidt, Alexander Weiss, Christine Würmell and guests.


Friday, Mai 31, 2024
6 p.m.: Greetings and opening speeches:
Jan Gottschalk (Head of artspring), Cordelia Koch (District Mayor of Pankow), Julia Brodauf + Lennart Siebert (Studio Commissioners Berlin) and Daniela Fromberg + Stefan Roigk (InterKULTURelles Haus Pankow)

6:30 p.m.: Live concert: Phoenix Love (rhythmic complexity, harmonic depth and spherical soundscapes)
Dora Osterloh (voc, comp), Keisuke Matsuno (git), Simon Jermyn (b), Lukas Akintaya (dr)

7:30 p.m.: Opening of the studios / Open Studios
With refreshing drinks and culinary delicacies from the grill

Saturday, June 01, 2024
2:00 to 6:00 p.m.: OPEN STUDIOS / Kunst Kaffee + Kuchen

Sonic Interventions and Sound Art Performances:
3 p.m.: Andrea Ermke and Annette Krebs (Duo) / Fieldrecordings, Mini Disks and Konstruktion
4 p.m.: Olaf Hochherz „Drehteller“ (Solo)
free admission!

Sunday, June 02, 2024
2:00 to 6:00 p.m.: OPEN STUDIOS / Kunst Kaffee + Kuchen

Sonic Interventions and Sound Art Performances:
3 p.m.: Michael Barthel “anrempeln” (Solo)
4 p.m.: Daniela Fromberg, Stefan Roigk und Peter Strickmann / acoustic exploration of the studio space

free admission!

OPEN STUDIOS at InterKULTURelles Haus Pankow is part of the artspring Festival 2024